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New SHP online courses coming to STARS in 2025 (late winter quarter)

Sexual Harassment Prevention courses for faculty, supervisors, academic staff, non-supervisory employees, and postdocs ended on 12/15/24. New courses from Vector Solutions will be available after late January 2025.

Danger Zones

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Many behaviors could be interpreted as sexually harassing, depending on the circumstances.  Whether behavior is offensive or not depends on how it is perceived, not how it was intended. Sexual conduct is unwelcome whenever the person subjected to it considers it unwelcome.

Watch out for these "Danger Zones" :

  1. Inappropriate e-mail and sexually explicit internet use
  2. Comments on personal appearance
  3. Hugging, massages and other touching
  4. Unwanted, repeated requests for dates
  5. Off-color jokes and innuendo
  6. Sexually explicit profanity
  7. Nicknames and stereotypes
  8. Invading someone’s personal space
  9. Intrusive personal or sexually explicit questions
  10. Suggestive looks, gestures or sounds
  11. Ridiculing someone’s sexual orientation
  12. Spreading rumors about someone's sexual conduct
  13. Public displays of sexually explicit pictures, calendars, cartoons, etc.

This is a very basic list. You'll find definitions of terms related to sexual harassment and a comprehensive list of potentially problematic behaviors on this UN website.