Undergraduate Students
All newly matriculated undergraduate students (frosh and transfers) are assigned to the Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduate Students (SAPU) course and are required to complete Part I prior to their arrival on campus for New Student Orientation. Additionally, all frosh and transfers are required to attend Beyond Sex Ed as a part of New Student Orientation.
I'm experiencing technical difficulties, what should I do?
For troubleshooting tips, please visit Vector Solutions for User Support. While in the course, you can click "Help" at anytime for assistance with technical issues. Undergraduate students will be able to access the "Help" link anytime by clicking on their name in the top right corner of their screen, then clicking "Help."
I finished Part 1 a couple of weeks ago, why haven't I received email about Part 2 yet?
After Part 1, you begin a 30 day intersession. At the end of the 30 days you will receive an email with a link to Part 2. Some students have reported that the reminder emails from Vector Solutions have been caught in their Spam filter or Junk email. If you didn't receive or can't find the email from Vector Solutions about Part 2, use the link at the top of this page to access your course within the platform.
Why is there an intersession at all? Why can't I just skip to Part 2 immediately?
Part 2 contains refresher content and a follow-up survey that assesses attitudes and behaviors. The intersession period allows students to process the information from the course and start putting their new knowledge and skills into practice. It also provides time for participants to become more acclimated to the school environment and allows the follow-up survey to measure: 1) how students' attitudes and behaviors have changed, and 2) the impact of the school environment on students' attitudes and behaviors (i.e. "the college effect").
I received an email stating I hadn't completed Part 1 and believe it to be a mistake, what do I do?
Note that you will receive a certificate of completion for Part 1 from Vector Solutions once you complete part 1 of the 2-part course.
Still have questions?
Contact titleix-training@stanford.edu.