What You Can Do to Stop Sexual Harassment
Know your rights
Sexual harassment is illegal. You will find lots of helpful information on this website, and you may also want to take a look at Stanford's policy that specifically prohibits sexual harassment.
Concern about Retaliation
You may be concerned about retaliation if you talk to someone‑-particularly if the person causing the harassment is a supervisor, a teacher, or someone else who has power over you. Under no circumstances will Stanford allow reprisals against a person who in good faith reports or provides information about sexual harassment or behavior that might constitute sexual harassment.
On the other hand, intentionally making a false report or providing false information is grounds for discipline.
Some steps you can take, or ask for help with:
Report it! Sexual harassment is not tolerated at Stanford University. We are here to help. Report matters to Stanford's Title IX Coordinator with the SHARE Title IX Office at titleix@stanford.edu.
Consult. If you're not ready to report, consult with one of Stanford's resources for further help and guidance. These people can provide support and advice about Stanford's policy and procedures, and can help you explore options towards resolution.
Ask for the conduct to stop. We are here to assist you but if you would like to manage this on your own, it is okay to clearly and firmly state directly to the harasser that you want a particular behavior to cease. This is not a time to be polite or vague.
- Send a written message to the harasser. This can often succeed in stopping sexual harassment. Include a factual account of the offending behavior, describe how you felt about it, and state simply that you want that particular behavior to stop.
- Keep records or a journal and save any letters, e-mails, or notes you have about the situation if the harassment persists. Record dates, places, times, witnesses and the nature of the harassment—what was said when, and how you responded.
What not to do
Do not blame yourself. Sexual harassment is not something one brings on oneself.
Do not delay. Waiting to act in cases of sexual harassment only increases the probability that the harassing behavior will continue.
Don't wait to seek help. Being quiet about sexual harassment enables it to continue. Chances are very good that you are not the only one who has been harassed. Speaking up may prevent others from being harmed.