COVID-19 Resources

Teaching and Learning
Sexual Violence Intervention, Prevention, & Support in the Virtual Classroom Setting & Beyond: Instructor Guidance (Stanford SHARE Title IX Office)
College domestic violence resource sheet (COVID-19 Task Force on Domestic Violence, Instagram: @covid19_taskforcedv)
Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Survivors Survey (Center for Survivor Agency and Justice)
COVID-19 and Sexual Health (National Coalition for Sexual Health; fact sheets & webinar)
Relationships and Sexual Health During COVID-19 (Cal Poly Campus Health and Wellbeing)
A Snapshot of Domestic Violence During COVID-19 (National Domestic Violence Hotline, June 5, 2020)
Asian American Feminist Antibodies {care in the time of coronavirus} (Asian American Feminist Collective & Bluestockings NYC)
LGBTQ Intimate Partner Violence and COVID-19 (Human Rights Campaign Foundation)
COVID Causes Long-Term Harm for Sexual Violence Survivors of Color: Report (Colorlines)
"Navigate Relationships While Sheltering In Place" Slides & Recording (*speaker begins at 5:24; ~1 hour) (Stanford SHARE Title IX Office and Graduate Life Office)
Understanding Trauma and Sexual Violence During COVID-19 (~1.25 hours; San Francisco Commission on the Status of Women)
Policy Brief: Addressing cumulative trauma in the age of COVID-19: A call to prioritize racially minoritized survivors in higher education (slides & recorded presentation with audio transcript; ~16 min)
Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook: A Tool to Help You Build Resilience During Difficult Times (source:
Headspace (Access reduced rates through Stanford’s Health Improvement program)
Resources for Healing and Resilience (Columbia University)
National Resources for Sexual/Relationship Violence & COVID-19
COVID-19 and Domestic Violence (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence)
Resources for COVID-19 Response (National Sexual Violence Resource Center)
Staying Safe During COVID-19 (National Domestic Violence Hotline)
Help for Survivors, Communities and DV/SA Programs (FUTURES Without Violence)
Using Technology to Communicate with Survivors During a Public Health Crisis (TechSafety)