Informational Flyers and Resources
Dealing with Sexual Harassment
This double-sided informational flyer offers general tips for handling sexual harassment, and provides a comprehensive list of campus resources for faculty, students, or staff impacted by gender-based harassment.
About Our Shared Culture of Respect
This one-page informational flyer provides University guidance to visiting mentors, coaches, volunteers, facilitators, instructors, and any other University affiliate who would not otherwise receive University training on cultural expectations, and the prohibition of harassment, and discrimination toward our community members.
We advise faculty members and administrators in all departments and units to issue this flyer by email when inviting non-University affiliates to teach, mentor, or collaborate with any Stanford students, faculty, or staff.
Transgender Rights in the Workplace
The Transgender Rights in the Workplace poster provides information regarding transgender rights, including: (1) definitions of terms such as “transgender”; (2) the right of employees to use restrooms, locker rooms and other similar facilities corresponding to their gender identity; and (3) the procedure for filing a complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH).
Consider these 50 First Words:
Thank you for sharing this with me. How can I help? Stanford has resources to support you and hep you decide what you want to do next. Would you like to speak to a confidential counselor or staff person about your resources or reporting options? We are here to help.