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SHARE Title IX Announcements

New SHP online courses coming to STARS in 2025 (late winter quarter)

Sexual Harassment Prevention courses for faculty, supervisors, academic staff, non-supervisory employees, and postdocs ended on 12/15/24. New courses from Vector Solutions will be available after late January 2025.

Informational Flyers and Resources

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Dealing with Sexual Harassment

This double-sided informational flyer offers general tips for handling sexual harassment, and provides a comprehensive list of campus resources for faculty, students, or staff impacted by gender-based harassment.

Dealing with Sexual Harassment Flyer

Faculty and Supervisor Checklist

This checklist assists faculty and staff supervisor fulfill their obligation to respond to concerns of sexual harassment and sexual violence.

Faculty and Supervisor's Checklist 2024

Creating a culture of respect

About Our Shared Culture of Respect

This one-page informational flyer provides University guidance to visiting mentors, coaches, volunteers, facilitators, instructors, and any other University affiliate who would not otherwise receive University training on cultural expectations, and the prohibition of harassment, and discrimination toward our community members.

We advise faculty members and administrators in all departments and units to issue this flyer by email when inviting non-University affiliates to teach, mentor, or collaborate with any Stanford students, faculty, or staff.

Creating a Culture of Respect (Mentor Flyer)

Your role as a responsible employee

Who is a "Responsible Employee"?

This double-sided informational flyer clarifies which roles include a reporting responsibility, provides helpful language for reporting, and lists the campus resources for the purpose of reporting and providing support to the affected parties. Per Federal Law and Stanford policy, certain University roles require individuals of trust to report instances of prohibited sexual conduct involving a Stanford student or other community member.

Responsible Employee Flyer (see in Google Drive or download as PDF) 

Transgender Rights in the Workplace

The Transgender Rights in the Workplace poster provides information regarding transgender rights, including: (1) definitions of terms such as “transgender”; (2) the right of employees to use restrooms, locker rooms and other similar facilities corresponding to their gender identity; and (3) the procedure for filing a complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH). 

Transgender Rights in the Workplace

How To Be A Trans Ally

Please learn more by reviewing the following flyer and FAQs

New California Mandate for all Non-Supervisory Employees, Academic Staff, Post Docs, and Contingent Employees

Employee FAQs

Manager FAQs

50 First Words

Consider these 50 First Words:

Thank you for sharing this with me. How can I help? Stanford has resources to support you and hep you decide what you want to do next. Would you like to speak to a confidential counselor or staff person about your resources or reporting options? We are here to help.

Sexual Violence Support & Resources

Flyers updated on August 8, 2024