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SHARE Title IX Announcements

New SHP online courses coming to STARS in 2025 (late winter quarter)

Sexual Harassment Prevention courses for faculty, supervisors, academic staff, non-supervisory employees, and postdocs ended on 12/15/24. New courses from Vector Solutions will be available after late January 2025.

General Training Information

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Do I need to take training if:

View more eligibility guidelines for special situations for faculty and supervisors

All progress will be saved if you take a break. Remember to exit when taking a break and then relaunch the training from your STARS All Learning Page.

Please allow 2 days for your "Met" status (completion) to register on your STARS Training History. To print your certificate of completion, please login to your STARS All Learning Training record click the printer icon next to the "Review" green button.

Tech Help for Online Training

I work less than full-time.

Even if you work less than full time or you are a contingent employee, if you supervise you do need to take the supervisor course (AB1825).

I will be working at Stanford for less than 6 months

You will be automatically assigned to the a Sexual Harassment Prevention training requirement. If you leave before you complete the training due to a short employment assignment, the training will drop from your STARS All Learning Training. If you return to Stanford, the training assignment will reappear on your training to dos. Note that you do need to complete the training if your appointment is ongoing and you return to Stanford for part of every year (e.g. lecturers, casual summer employees).

I recently completed a similar training for School of Medicine

Supervisors/faculty do need to complete the 2-hour Sexual Harassment Prevention training to comply with the law (AB1825) and non-supervisory employees, academic staff, and postdocs need to complete the Sexual Harassment Prevention training (SB1343), because the Respectful Workplace Training similar harassment prevention training does not meet the state training requirement, including Title IX and Clery.

I trained this year at the VA Hospital

Unfortunately, the VA harassment training does not comply with California law regarding Sexual Harassment Prevention training. Stanford faculty who have appointments at the VA must complete Stanford’s supervisor training program to receive credit under the state mandate.

I recently attended classroom training for new employees

These sexual harassment briefings are for new non-supervisory staff. They do not satisfy California's AB 1825 requirement for supervisors. If you have been identified as a supervisor by your department or HR/FAA, you must comply with this AB1825 training requirement for supervisors.

I am not a supervisor

If you are not currently directing (includes approving timecards) or evaluating the work of other employees (including supervising part-time, temp, casual or student employees), ask your Human Resources Office or Faculty Affairs Officer or Administrator to confirm that fact with the SHARE Harassment Prevention Team: or 725-0646.

I will retire before my training due date

If the Harassment Prevention training assigned to you is due prior to your retirement date, the course should be completed. Our office cannot remove the assignment. Please contact the SHARE Harassment Prevention Team if you have questions: or 725-0646.

I am Emeritus faculty

Emeritus faculty must complete AB 1825 training if recalled to active duty. Please contact the SHARE Harassment Prevention Team if you have questions: or 725-0646.

Tech Help for Online Training

I’m having technical difficulties with the online program.

Get Inclusive, a Vector Solutions Company, can help to resolve technical difficulties. You can:

  • Click "ASK" across the top menu bar of the online program; OR
  • Contact Get Inclusive, a Vector Solutions Company, directly: email

I haven't received an emailed invitation to register.

First, double-check that the email is not in your spam or junk folder. If not found, contact your HR Manager or Faculty Affairs Officer/Administrator. He or she will notify the SHARE Harassment Prevention Team of your supervisory or faculty status.

What happens if I don't complete the supervisor training on time?

You will receive regular reminders from STARS. If you fail to comply, your FAO or HRM will give you a personal reminder. Eventually you will be contacted by the school dean or unit VP, and you may lose any supervisory privileges you have at Stanford until you complete the training.

Can I see my training record in STARS?

Training records are updated at regular intervals and may be viewed by clicking "My Learning" in STARS.

System configurations for best experience with the courses

Mac: Chrome/Firefox/Safari (latest version)
Windows: Chrome/Firefox (latest version)
Recommended Assistive Technologies: Firefox/NVDS and Mac/VoiceOver

Troubleshooting advice

We recommend clearing your cache and cookies, closing the browser, logging back in, and relaunching the course.

STARS Support

Who do I contact for more technical support?

For technical support, email Get Inclusive, a Vector Solutions Company, at