Medical Options
Medical resources provide diagnosis, treatment, follow-up, & referrals for medical complications of sexual and/or relationship violence-related issues. In addition, they care for physical injuries and can test for STIs, pregnancy, & unintended drug ingestion.
Medical options are confidential, although medical personnel are required by California law to report to the police instances where they observe physical injury caused by assault.
SAFEs: Some medical resources (e.g. Stanford Hospital or Santa Clara Valley Medical Center) are able to perform forensic evidence collection processes (“rape kits”).
Information about Unintended Drug Ingestion/"Date Rape" Drugs
Vaden Health Center
Appointments: 650-498-2336, ext. 1
Urgent advice: 650-617-2576
*Vaden does not perform SART exams nor can they test for unintended drug ingestion.
Stanford HealthCare (also known as Stanford Hospital), Emergency Department
1199 Welch Road
Stanford, CA 94304
A victim advocate from the YWCA can support in the SAFE forensic evidence collection process and provide confidential & anonymous services throughout the medical, legal, and administrative procedures.
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, Emergency Department
751 S Bascom Ave
San Jose, CA 95128
Sexual Assault Response Team (SART): 408-885-6466
A victim advocate from the YWCA can support in the SAFE forensic evidence collection process and provide confidential & anonymous services throughout the medical, legal, and administrative procedures.