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SHARE Title IX Announcements

New SHP online courses coming to STARS in 2025 (late winter quarter)

Sexual Harassment Prevention courses for faculty, supervisors, academic staff, non-supervisory employees, and postdocs ended on 12/15/24. New courses from Vector Solutions will be available after late January 2025.

Medical Options

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Medical resources provide diagnosis, treatment, follow-up, & referrals for medical complications of sexual and/or relationship violence-related issues. In addition, they care for physical injuries and can test for STIs, pregnancy, & unintended drug ingestion.

Medical options are confidential, although medical personnel are required by California law to report to the police instances where they observe physical injury caused by assault.

SAFEsSome medical resources (e.g. Stanford Hospital or Santa Clara Valley Medical Center) are able to perform forensic evidence collection processes (“rape kits”).

Information about Unintended Drug Ingestion/"Date Rape" Drugs

Vaden Health Center

Appointments: 650-498-2336, ext. 1

Urgent advice: 650-617-2576

*Vaden does not perform SART exams nor can they test for unintended drug ingestion.

Stanford HealthCare (also known as Stanford Hospital), Emergency Department

1199 Welch Road
Stanford, CA 94304


A victim advocate from the YWCA can support in the SAFE forensic evidence collection process and provide confidential & anonymous services throughout the medical, legal, and administrative procedures.

Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, Emergency Department

751 S Bascom Ave
San Jose, CA 95128


Sexual Assault Response Team (SART): 408-885-6466

A victim advocate from the YWCA can support in the SAFE forensic evidence collection process and provide confidential & anonymous services throughout the medical, legal, and administrative procedures.