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SHARE Title IX Announcements

New SHP online courses coming to STARS in 2025 (late winter quarter)

Sexual Harassment Prevention courses for faculty, supervisors, academic staff, non-supervisory employees, and postdocs ended on 12/15/24. New courses from Vector Solutions will be available after late January 2025.

Violence Intervention & Prevention (VIP)

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Violence Intervention and Prevention (VIP) Program is a cohort of representatives from the Stanford Greek Community who are committed to addressing the issues of sexual and relationship violence on our campus. 

Fraternity and sorority participants will engage with a cohort of committed peers, including elected VIP chairs, and gain the skills and training necessary to create a culture of sexual citizenship; affirming the right of every individual to sexual self-determination while promoting care, equity, and accountability among all members of the community. All participants will learn how to facilitate a range of educational programs to cultivate a culture of sexual citizenship for their respective chapter and for the broader Greek and Stanford communities. The VIP Program was founded on the belief that Greeks can come together to educate themselves on these topics and support their chapter members. This program is a best practice and national model and we welcome participation from every fraternity and sorority on campus.

Are you part of a fraternity/sorority?  Enroll in a course on Cultivating Sexual Citizenship in Fraternities & Sororities. Register for LEAD/Wellness 120 for Winter 2024 Wednesdays at 1:30-2:50pm. This course is part of the Violence Intervention and Prevention (VIP) Program, which is a collaboration between the Office of Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Education (SHARE) and Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL). Have questions? Contact Grace Poon Ghaffari at

This course is available to any member from any Greek organization on campus and will begin Week 1 on January 10 and meet each Wednesday at 1:30-2:50pm at Kingscote 140. One required retreat is on Saturday, January 27, 2024 from 11am-4pm at Kingscote 140. 

How do you become a VIP Chair?

To become a VIP Chair, enroll in the VIP course, which is open to anyone who is a member of a Greek organization on campus.

For VIP Chairs who are elected and/or selected as part of their organizations' leadership structure: enroll in the course during the first quarter of your term to be affiliated with the VIP program.

What does your Chapter gain from having a VIP Chair(s)?

  • A peer resource who is trained to educate and provide support on topics related to sexual citizenship
  • A liaison to the SHARE Office and the Fraternity and Sorority Life Office 
  • Connections to fraternity and sorority leaders who are interested in preventing sexual and relationship violence

For further questions or comments, please email Grace Poon Ghaffari at or Christopher Carter at


Meet the VIP Chairs

VIP Chairs of Winter 2023

VIP Chairs of Winter 2020

2020 VIP Chairs, SHARE staff, and FSL staff

VIP Chairs of Winter 2019

2019 VIP Chairs, SHARE staff, and FSL staff

VIP Chairs of 2018

2018 VIP Chairs, SHARE staff, and FSL staff