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SHARE Title IX Announcements

New SHP online courses coming to STARS in 2025 (late winter quarter)

Sexual Harassment Prevention courses for faculty, supervisors, academic staff, non-supervisory employees, and postdocs ended on 12/15/24. New courses from Vector Solutions will be available after late January 2025.

AAU Climate Survey Results Letter to Community

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This letter was sent to community listservs on October 15, 2019.

Thinking of you in light of the AAU Climate Survey results

Dear Community,

Some of you may be aware that this past spring the university participated in a nationwide assessment called the AAU Campus Climate Survey, which measures the prevalence of sexual assault and misconduct. The data from the survey were released this morning, and we are mindful that the results may be heavy and challenging to hold. In light of this, we are reaching out to provide you with upcoming opportunities to reflect, process, and be in community with one another. 

We know that there will be a range of responses and reactions to the results, and we want to emphasize that however you are feeling is valid. We also acknowledge that what you feel and what actions you want to take may change with time. Please take care of yourselves and know that we are here to support you. It may be helpful to take a deep breath, get some fresh air outside, have a sip of water, and/or to check-in and connect with others. 

Below are some opportunities for reflection and engagement, should you find them helpful:


Campus Presentation: 2019 AAU Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct

Wednesday, October 16 |  4:00 – 5:15 pm

Building 420-040

Institutional Research & Decision Support and Institutional Equity & Access will present an overview of the initial survey data provided by AAU to Stanford. All Stanford community members are welcome.


Processing Circle

Thursday, October 17 | 2:30 – 4:00pm

Kingscote 140

RSVP here by Oct 16 at 5pm

The Office of Sexual Assault and Relationship Abuse, Education and Response (SARA) will be facilitating a processing circle in response to the AAU campus climate survey results. We hope that you can join us to listen, share, and/or just be as you wish. Refreshments will be served. Simultaneous to this event, we will have a separate self-care space available with refreshments and activities. 


Tea at the WCC

Friday, October 18 | 11am - 2pm

We welcome folks to come hang in the WCC on Friday. We’ll have tea and snacks, and space to kick it and connect. We’re located on the first floor of the Fire Truck house. 


Gender Inclusive Stanford Kickback

Friday, October 18 

Organizing Presentations: 4:30pm - 5:45pm

Dinner and ~bonding~: 5:45pm - 7:00pm

Women’s Community Center, 1st Floor Fire Truck house

This event focuses on gender justice organizing at Stanford with particular attention to transgender and gender non-conforming communities. The first half of the event will be various groups and individuals sharing a little bit about what they've done in recent years and what they're planning on for this year. The second half is a catered dinner--likely from Curry Up Now. The vibe is casual and fun. Coming to either half of the event is entirely optional!

The Weiland Health Initiative; Students for the Liberation of All People (SLAP); the QT Umbrella Assistance FundOffice of Sexual Assault and Relationship Abuse (SARA)Gender Inclusive Stanford Teaching and Learning, Campus Accountability, and Built Environment working groups; Sexual Health Peer Resource Center (SHPRC)Women's Community Center (WCC), and others will be represented during presentations!

GIS wants to extend a special welcome to folks new to the campus, whether you are a transfer, new graduate student, or first-year. We hope this event can help you comfortably integrate into this important work at Stanford!


Together we believe that we can address issues of power-based personal violence. While there is no easy answer or quick fix, we wouldn’t be doing this work if we did not believe that we could make an impact and effect change towards a healthier, safer, and more caring community. We are here beside you and with you.


The staff of the Office of Sexual Assault and Relationship Abuse (SARA), the Women's Community Center (WCC), and Queer Student Resources (QSR), 

Grace Poon Ghaffari (SARA)

Carley Flanery (SARA)

Nadia Kalley (SARA)

Brianna Booth (SARA)

Faith Kazmi (WCC)

Alicia Lewis (WCC)

Dejah Carter (WCC)

Danny Alvarez (QSR)

Taylor Hodges (QSR)

Ben Davidson (QSR)